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add(element) - Method in class pager.ListDataProvider
add(index, element) - Method in class pager.ListDataProvider
addAll(elements) - Method in class pager.ListDataProvider
addAll(index, elements) - Method in class pager.ListDataProvider


clear() - Method in class pager.ListDataProvider
close() - Method in interface pager.DataProvider
Close the provider and do any cleanup
close() - Method in class pager.ListDataProvider
close() - Method in class pager.Pager
Close the data source, performs any cleanup as needed


DataProvider<T> - Interface in pager
Provides the actual data to Pager


get() - Method in interface pager.DataProvider
Returns the data at the given position, or throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if position is invalid
get() - Method in class pager.Pager
Returns the data at the given position
getDataSize() - Method in interface pager.DataProvider
Returns the getDataSize of the data set
getDataSize() - Method in class pager.ListDataProvider
getPagerNotifier() - Method in class pager.ListDataProvider
getPagerNotifier() - Method in class pager.Pager
Returns the PagerNotifier which can be used to replace a data or update the whole data. Applicable only at the process that created this Pager instance. May return null at the client side


iterator() - Method in class pager.Pager


ListDataProvider<T> - Class in pager
A List that implements interface DataProvider
ListDataProvider() - Constructor for class pager.ListDataProvider
Creates an empty class ListDataProvider
ListDataProvider(collection) - Constructor for class pager.ListDataProvider
Creates a class ListDataProvider with the data from given collection


notifyDataAdded() - Method in interface pager.PagerNotifier
Notify that a data is added
notifyDataRemoved() - Method in interface pager.PagerNotifier
Notify that a data is removed
notifyDataReplaced() - Method in interface pager.PagerNotifier
Notify that a data is replaced with another data
notifyDataSetChanged() - Method in interface pager.PagerNotifier
Notify that the data set has changed and needs to be re-fetched


onDataAdded() - Method in interface pager.PagerListener
Notify that a data is added
onDataRemoved() - Method in interface pager.PagerListener
Notify that a data is removed
onDataReplaced() - Method in interface pager.PagerListener
Called when a data is replaced with another data
onDataSetChanged() - Method in interface pager.PagerListener
Called when the data set changed, like getDataSize changes


pager - package pager
Pager<T> - Class in pager
Provides access to a collection of data paging them as needed. Only a subset of the data is loaded on to memory. This window can be configured using Pager.setPageSize This can be passed across process using AIDL or Remoter
Pager() - Constructor for class pager.Pager
Creates an instance of Pager
PagerListener<T> - Interface in pager
Listener to register to get notified about changes to the data in a Pager
PagerNotifier<T> - Interface in pager
Use this to notify the Pager clients that a data is replaced or data getDataSize changed.


registerListener() - Method in interface pager.PagerNotifier
remove(element) - Method in class pager.ListDataProvider
removeAll(elements) - Method in class pager.ListDataProvider
removeAt(index) - Method in class pager.ListDataProvider
removeRange(fromIndex, toIndex) - Method in class pager.ListDataProvider


set(index, element) - Method in class pager.ListDataProvider
setPagerListener() - Method in class pager.Pager
Sets a PagerListener to listen for data replacements or data updates
setPagerNotifier(p) - Method in class pager.ListDataProvider
setPageSize() - Method in class pager.Pager
Sets the paging getDataSize
size() - Method in class pager.Pager
Returns the number of elements
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