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Package remoter.annotations

Remoter is an alternative to Android AIDL for Android Remote IPC services using plain java interfaces.

See: Description

Package remoter.annotations Description

Remoter is an alternative to Android AIDL for Android Remote IPC services using plain java interfaces.

Example -

 //Remoter annotation marks this interface as a remoter service interface
  public interface ISampleService {

      //An example where parameters can be in, out or inout
      void boolean foo( boolean a,
                       @ParamIn boolean[] arrayIn,
                       @ParamOut boolean[] arrayOut,
                       boolean[] arrayInOut);

      //An example to mark a method as oneway asynchronous method
      void asynchronusFoo(int x);

At the client side :

Simply wrap the binder that you got from the ServiceConnection with the autogenerated Proxy for your interface

     ISampleService sampleService = new ISampleService_Proxy( binder );

At the service side :

Wrap the implementation with the autogenerated Stub to covert it as a remote Binder and return that from your service

     Binder binder = new ISampleService_Stub( sampleServiceImpl );

To add Remoter to your project add these to its gradle dependencies:
api 'com.josesamuel:remoter-annotations:1.1.4'
annotationProcessor 'com.josesamuel:remoter:1.1.4'

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